Tuesday, September 23, 2008

first ultrasound

Here is the first ultrasound for our newest family member...the U/S tech sd that everything looked good, and that all measurements were right on for how far along I am. The official due date is April 27th- still too early to tell if Norah will have a brother or a sister...probably around Thanksgiving is when we'll find out. But for now, everything looked good- a strong heartbeat at 176 beats/minute. Yes, I cried when I heard it- just something about hearing your baby's heart beat.
Then after the Dr's appt., we were off to the store to buy some ginger pops- to ease the nausea. oh well, the nausea should be subsiding soon, it's less than what it had been. I just keep thinking that it's the baby getting stronger : )


Kristy said...

That is so great!! I can't wait til we are both showing! How far along was the baby in the ultrasound?

Carrie said...

10 weeks- right on track, my due date is officially 4/27---wow- I hope time flies!! Hope all is going well with you guys and your family- and #3!! Sooo exciting!