Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Trip to Hawaii!!!

So this is a little late, I just won the worst blogger ever award. Life has been busy, what can I say/ Maya is almost 1, Norah is almost 5. And, to top it off, Scott and I both work full time + (we both pick up some OT/extra jobs when we can...)
Time flies. In January, we took a great trip to Hawaii. Took the kids, had a blast- here are some pics...then I'll get some other ones posted of the last few months!

On the airplane, ready for the 6 hour flight to be OVER!!

Getting our leis...

Scott and his girls!!

Scott and the 2 guys he got paired up with when he played golf!!

Getting our "tattoos" at the luou

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Looks like a blast! Glad you had fun! You guys were brave to take the little one :0)