Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm Back.....

It has been 6 months, yes, 6, since I last posted...I am not even sure WHERE to start, so many things in our lives have changed!! The kids are growing, Cuba is, too, and Scott and I are shrinking...Our love for being active has changed, as we have taken on new activities...Summer is coming - it will be here soon, as if we need yet another reminder of the hot days that lie ahead of us...So - here goes - a little bit about what we have been up to - I will try to pick it up where I left off...

November 2010

  • Cuba came to live with us - he really is sooo good with the girls. He tolerates them so well. He is getting big, though - I guess he really enjoys the extra goldfish and treats that the girls (especially Maya) drop for him. Accidentally, of course! Big as in a little over 100 pounds. Wow.

  • Around the middle of November, Scott got a phone call from his Dad that his Step-Mom Pat was in the hospital. At this point, Scott knew his Dad wasn't doing well with his health issues, either, and he told me that night that for some reason, he knew he needed to go back east to see the family. His whole family...and take the girls. So, a few days before Thanksgiving, I took Scott and the girls to the airport to catch their plane to Philly...AND I wished him luck. Evidentally, the plane ride was awful - Maya screamed the entire time. Norah did just fine, thankfully!! Scott visited with his Dad, who was now in the hospital, too, Pat, who had just gotten out, his Mom, aunt, and GrandPop. He stayed at Danny's house, and hung out with lots of friends, too. An amazing trip, to say the least. Maya met most everyone for pretty much the first time...We both believe that everything happens for a reason, and we are both so thankful that Scott knew he had to get out to see the family. Two days after returning home, Joe called and said that hospice had called about their Dad and he didn't have much time left. He passed away that night. We are all so thankful that Scott was abow to go out there and visit! Then, about a week later, his Grandfather passed away (his Mom's Dad.) It was a hard holiday season for the family, but again, we are so thankful that Scott and the girls were able to get out there and spend time with them!

  • I was left at home, by myself, for the long weeknd while Scott & the girls were out east...all I can say was that even though I missed them dearly, I LOVED the quiet of my house. I actually got a lot done - schoolwork, cleaning, and sewing. I had the dog here to keep me company, so at least I wasn't nervous about staying here by myself. My friends Jarrod & Nicole invited me over to the Ballard family Thanksgiving. It was nice to be surrounded by friends during the holiday!

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